CS373 Fall 2020: Elias Lampietti

Elias Lampietti
3 min readOct 5, 2020

What did you do this past week?

This past week my group and I wrapped up phase I of our website. I enjoyed getting experience with integrating GitLab with AWS. Also, none of the members of our team we’re too familiar with React, so that was a little bit of a learning curve to get the static pages up and running.

What’s in your way?

I have a very busy next couple of weeks with midterms for all my classes as well as projects for this class. I expect I’ll be putting in more hours during the weekends, but I enjoy the work for this class so I don’t think it will be too bad.

What will you do next week?

Next week my group and I have a lot of work to do for phase II. We first have to decide on a backend technology to use, Flask or Django, and then we’ll get started delegating the tasks to everyone. I’m looking forward to making the website more dynamic however I expect it will be challenging.

What did you think of “Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful To Women?”

After reading this article, I was shocked by the prevalence of personal accounts of sexism and harassment from women such as Susan Wu. It’s unfortunate and nonsensical that a career can be impacted by your gender when it’s the performance and contributions that should be evaluated for the benefit of a company. I’m hoping that sexism will be eliminated completely with new companies and reform of existing ones.

What was your experience of iterators, reduce(), and tuple?

I find iterators to be useful to traverse data structures that aren’t indexable. Reduce() is a useful function that really shows the elegance of Python and I plan to use it more in the future. I was already familiar with tuples and find them to be useful immutable data structures.

What’s it like working in a group?

I enjoy working in a group because of the mutual progress expectations each member has for each other. This leaves little room for procrastination and I think it’s a driving force for progress. I’m also fortunate to have a responsible group that communicates well.

What was your experience of the team contract?

I think the team contract was an important first step to set expectations for each group member. So far it has been abided by in our group and hopefully it stays that way.

What was your experience of the peer review?

I found all my group members performed well and there wasn’t anything that required drastic improvement. I do think that it is valuable to provide at each phase in order to fix any problems in the group earlier rather than later.

What made you happy this week?

This week I’ve been looking into getting a new bike. I’ve been wanting a hybrid bike that is less heavy but can still handle some off-road trails. I spent some time today looking at various models in person and am looking forward to making the purchase this week.

What’s your pick-of-the-week?

My pick-of-the-week is this react tutorial by Mosh. For those of you that don’t have much experience with React and are still looking to build a stronger foundation, this video is well done, clear, and has good examples.

